Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What A Cool Idea!

I'm posting this, for my own memory, as well as the prospect of helping others. I first saw it on YouTube, in the form of an ad. The link below is direct to the company's website.

CleanT | The toothbrush of the 21st century

To be perfectly honest, if I had the money, I would have already ordered one. In fact, part of the reason I'm posting this is so that I can find it again, if and when I do have the money. I think it sounds positively brilliant.

It occurs to me to note here This is a new company. I do hope that anyone with any interested all considers supporting them. It would be a real shame to have such a good idea vanish, due to lack of interest.

I would also like to note that It doesn't appear to require toothpaste. So that could moderate the cost somewhat, over time. And while useful, the whitening agent isn't necessary, for the tooth cleaning process. It's also reasonable to suggest using baking soda, instead of toothpaste.

I hope I'm not the only one that finds this useful.

If you'd like to help, or you just found something useful in the provided information, please use the following link:

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Revolutionary lnformation Regarding Weight Loss

I stumbled across this, as an ad on YouTube. So be advised it is trying to sell something. But it also offers some revolutionary advice, for FREE. You don't need to spend the money to make use of much of the information.
Please be aware that you will have to do a brief, simple quiz to get to the video. But don't let that hold you back. The available information is worth the effort. And they don't record any of your personal information. Of course, the downside of that is that you will have to do the quiz each time you want to look at the video.

Currently, my plan is to use the free information, provided in the ad, to my best advantage. I personally just don't have money to afford such a program. And that, even though it sounds like it really could be worth it.
I don't even mind sharing my results from the quiz. The quiz determined that I am an "endomorph". And based on things I've heard, from one source or another over the years, I have to assume I'm not remotely alone.

So all you other endomorphs out there, take heart! Don't be afraid to check this out. Even if you can't, like myself, afford to buy the program, certainly you can get some useful information out of the video. Good luck and I hope it helps! 

And even if you're not an endomorph, you should still check this out. Watching the video is free. And although I have not seen the videos for the other types, if they are as insightful as the one I did get to see, it should still be worth checking out.

Very best of luck, to all of you, in your struggles.  And as always, please do Stay Safe.

Should you be feeling generous, there is a link to PayPal for donations, in many of my posts.

Monday, October 5, 2020

These days my world has gotten extremely small.  Some might say claustrophobic.  My cat is frequently bored out of her mind.  And frankly, if it weren't for my art and gaming, I'd be the same.  But at least she and I manage, mostly, to keep eachother company.  I sincerely hope you are doing well, in these extremely trying times.

Comments, regarding this blog, my experiences, your experiences (as related to mine), etc. and words of encouragement, are welcome. And if you'd like to help, or you just found something useful, comforting or entertaining, in the provided information, please use the following link:

Weird Pains

 In an effort to reduce my migraines, which were exacerbated by my advancing carpal tunnel, I requested my doctor to give me muscle relaxants. Since you put me on a low dose one, which seemed to help for a while.

After a couple of years of being on the muscle relaxant, I started having bizarre intercostal muscle cramps, at random. And after consulting with my doctor, I learned that was not uncommon. So I began cutting back On the muscle relaxants. That did not reduce the cramping, Nor did stopping taking it all together.

I've been off muscle relaxants for Months now, and it's only just now starting to abate the cramping. But at least It is starting to lessen.

Today, when I woke up, I found a new symptom. Of what, I'm not certain. But I appear to have sore muscles all the way from my waist, on the right side, down to my knees. Due to some pre-existing numbness in my right thigh, I did not notice sore muscle area in my leg at first. But when I started examining myself, I discovered it.