I have been getting more migraines, in the last several months. So I think it prudent to at least try to keep a record of them. If I can at least make a note each time I have one, the next time I'm asked about frequency, I'll have something better to say than; 'I can't say for sure.'
Anyway, I woke up today with the start of a migraine. Before taking my usual migraine cocktail (1 Naproxen and 1 Midol), I tried manually adjusting my neck. It helped a little, but not enough. And after just a few minutes, it started getting worse again. It's accompanied by the usual light and sound sensitivity. So I went ahead and medicated.
As for possible triggers, I can't imagine much that I did, could have been exposed to, ate or drank that could be responsible. I am chronically sleep-deprived, as well as possibly a bit dehydrated, in spite of my best. And there's always the chance that my next-door-neighbor's efforts to work on other people's vehicles in his driveway may have exposed me to some chemicals I'm not aware of. I eat and drink much of the same things, every day. And that consists almost entirely of real food, as "clean" as possible, that I cook for myself.
I'm a big label reader. Even on my minuscule budget, I go out of my way to buy food and other products without risky additives. And I do my best to keep up with the hazardous additives/chemicals, that may effect my environment or get into my food. Having already had cancer, I'm extremely keen to prevent a recurrence! And I think it reasonable to expect that my precautions, to that end, should reduce my migraine risk as well.
For the record, this small update has taken me close to 2 hours, most of it needing to be typed (my tablet no longer seems capable of efficient speech to text). This is part of why I post so rarely. It is also why I have difficulty keeping up with any food journal attempts.
Ok, so obviously suck at doing this. I've had several migraines, since this post. I just keep failing to record them as they occur.