Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Never Ask "How Much Worse Can Things Get?" ...

 ... or "What Else Could Happen?" or anything like that.

About a weak ago, I started my day with a niggling migraine. And this was a weird one. It started inside my right eye socket and felt like that location was being "stabbed" with a narrow blunt instrument. Still, as usual, I tried various methods to reduce the effect. Eventually I wound up giving in and taking my full migraine cocktail (1 naproxen, 1 Midol and 7.5mg BuSpar). Most of my migraines are eliminated by this "cocktail", in one shot.

Unfortunately, though my pain abated for a while, I was forced to take the same as often as each could be taken safely (naproxen is a 1 per 12 hour pain reliever). I managed to get some sleep and had high hopes of waking migraine free. You may be familiar with the adage; "wish in one hand and c--p in the other and see which fills up first. Well the same goes for hoping, more often than we want to admit.

And if that's not bad enough, while still dealing with the migraine, only minutes before heading to bed, I realized that my home heat had stopped working. So I went downstairs and did everything I could think of. My efforts concluded with my HVAC off at the thermostat as well as at the connected breaker (to ensure no additional damage to the unit).

So I cranked up the electric heater, in my bedroom, put on an extra blanket and went to bed hoping for the best.

I awoke the next day in pretty much the same condition, having shivered my way through the night. Same procedures (omitting the hopeful attempts to stave off taking med's) and same outcome. I had little hope left in me, as I bunked down in my office that night, as my bedroom windows would work better as sieves. The ones in my office at least keep heat/ac in. And I have another heater in my office. So, uncomfortable as it was, I managed a few hours sleep.

To my amazement I woke with only a little migraine "residue", even though I was quite tired still. So I went about the extremely tedious and taxing procedure of getting the heat fixed. For me that has the added complexity of needing to ask for help. I haven't nearly enough money to even begin to cover those sort of costs.

So anyway, two more uncomfortable nights later, my heat got fixed. And I'm still doing my very best to keep utility costs to a minimum, per normal.

Under the heading of "Insult to Injury", somewhere in all that, I had to do my SNAP interview for the year. While it was technically "successful", my monthly amount got shredded. I was "... getting the Max ... of $280 a month", before I had to report that I finally got my Disability, even though my total was well below the poverty line. Now I only get $109 a month.

* What finally prompted me to make this post is that, only about two days later, I just spent another whole day dealing with yet another migraine. So I've spent the last 12+ hours medicating and drinking a LOT of warm or hot tea, in an attempt to keep my pain to a minimum. Being cold is one of my worst enemies, when I have a migraine.

I'm so very tired of feeling like the ball, in an exciting soccer game. ... My own physiology. ... Cancer! ... "The System." ... and so on.  So may things kicking me when I'm already down and making my head spin.

All I really want is to live a quiet, reasonably comfortable life, in better health and less pain. Obviously that takes money. More than I can get through The System. That is unless there's a lot I don't know. At this point, I'd be happy to take such information as tips or a sign of appreciation. Alternately, donations are welcome at the following link:

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