Monday, February 27, 2017

"The Depths of My Dismay Cannot Be Measured!"

Being entirely incapable of failing to believing this woman's story, I find myself once again astonished at the depth to which "the donald" (to use one of his more polite monikers) can sink.
"I was a Muslim in Trump's White House"

My head positively explodes with things that I would like to say regarding this article. Sadly I have great difficulty concisely arranging and writing about those thoughts.

All I can think the post on the matter is semi biographical data on myself. I will allow anyone who reads this to compare the two and then take an educated guess as to how it makes me feel and what it makes me think about.

  • I am a devoted anti-trump Democrat (in no way paid for my opinion or statements) with better than a high school education. 
  • I once considered myself a true altruist. Now I realize we all have our issues, myself included. Still I try to maintain room for altruism. And I help others wherever I find opportunity.
  • Throughout my youth my parents instilled in me (by their actions, not by words) the belief that Prejudice is inherently wrong. And it is therefore not a part of my belief structure or my ethics. I refuse to treat people other than how they show themselves to deserve. And furthermore, this is an individual assessment.
  • As I tell my friends; I have a brain and I'm not afraid to use it. In fact, it disturbs me greatly how many people I see who fail to use theirs.
  • Everyone should do everything possible to prevent themselves from being ruled by fear, rumor (hearsay) and hatred. For Heaven's Sake, please people, think for yourselves and opinions accordingly.

# anti-trump
# tolerance
# equality

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

New Fitbit

Late yesterday, I just managed to acquire a used Fitbit. It is a Charge HR. That appears to be one of the earlier models. But I don't care it's something I can use to track things I couldn't previously.

I've been using MyFitnessPal for quite some time now. It has been helping me keep track of my food, exercise and water intake. I am using the free version, which does present some limitations, but it still works most of the time.

Obviously, the jury is still out on my opinion of the Fitbit. But I look forward to finding out how well it will do for me.

More than anything, this post is to mark the occasion.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

My extremely random life

Having pretty much come to the conclusion that livejournal is actually pretty much dead now, I have just now decided to try this blog engine instead.

At this point, I have no idea if this will be the first of many, or simply an occasional thing. Anyone reading this should simply be aware that my life is indeed quite random. I tend to post random things. No logic in particular, just things. If you're down with that, please feel free to follow.

There may occasionally be product or other types of review. Just for instance. And from time to time I may just post something because I think it's cool or because it makes me happy.