Saturday, January 20, 2018

First Day Home

The following entry includes a frank explanations of some of my cancer recovery experiences. If you are at all squeamish about pain, bruising, bodily fluids, or possibly even blood, you should probably give this and related entries a pass.

I can't say that I was feeling great when I left the hospital, but I did feel better than I expected to.
I was able to manage on a dose of Naproxen. Or at least that's all I thought I was working with. Apparently, at least some of the pain medication they gave me the day before was still working.
Anyway, someone very close to me was able to pick me up to take me home, instead of the transportation that made my arrival at the hospital so very difficult.

When I arrived home, in the early afternoon, I was actually feeling fairly well. Not a lot of pain and mostly functional. I was even able to feed myself without much discomfort at all. At some point, while I was examining myself, it seemed that I stumbled on a spot that felt like bubbles. I only felt it once, so I couldn't be sure.

Later I played online games until I was tired enough to go to sleep. I did take another Naproxen, even though it was a bit too early. I may have also taken a couple of Midol as well.
I slept most of the night. And slept so hard that I went ahead and slept through the next 2 alarms as well. 

Now getting up was a completely different story. 
My entire surgical area was sore and, if possible, more swollen than the day before. I had a great deal of sore and bruised flesh and muscles. And I can't recall when I noticed it, but a large part of the back side of my right upper arm is completely numb.
When I went to the bathroom, although I thought I had already gotten rid of all the contrast, I peed green again.

Even though I was quite sore, I went ahead and made breakfast. I've decided to eat what my body says it can handle. So, with that in mind, I gave myself an extra slice of bacon and extra cream in my coffee.

I ran out of steam a bit before I finished cooking. I went ahead and ate, per usual, at my desk. But even with the extra fat calories and protein, I didn't recover my energy.  So I decided to go lie down.

At first, I thought I'd just take a nap. Then I decided I'd better just plan to stay in bed and go form there. I kept up the Naproxen and Midol all day, taking my final doses of each as near to bed time as I could.

I did manage to eat more or less normal meals, take pills and use the bathroom normally. However I did it all from the warmth and support of my bed. No chance of falling asleep and sliding out of my chair. Not to mention, being able to let my fur baby snuggle with me.

Sadly, although I rested most of the day, when I tried to actually get some sleep, I didn't do so soundly.

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