Monday, March 12, 2018

Playing Catch-Up

Okay, so it's been a while since my last post. Apologies to anyone who's actually trying to follow my cancer treatment, or anything else I post. I have been going to an awful lot of doctors appointments, and in the process discovering that I didn't have the insurance I thought I did.

Following that last revelation depression, exhaustion and other things kicked in. They are probably all pretty much related to my depression. Some days it's about all I can do to get on my computer, do art (or zone out to Netflix) and feed myself. Often I do art AND Netflix, to reduce my odds of falling into a wallow state. When I'm seriously depressed, the less time I spend thinking, the better off I am. The obvious side-effect is that I end up forgetting things that I really had ought not to.

I'm working on getting Medicaid proper. That is to say that the papers have been filed. And hopefully that will come in soon. 

I decided to reschedule all of my other (not cancer treatment related) Diagnostics, until I'm sure I have full Medicaid. I already have too many bills, that may not be paid simply because I didn't know the whole truth.

I've had a couple of appointments with both continuing treatment doctors, as well as my surgeon. My most recent appointment involved getting marked up in preparation for the radiation treatments. I'm told the radiation is likely to take about a month of every-weekday treatment. That's going to be fun scheduling transportation for.

I was told, by the doctor who will be doing the "hormone therapy", that I will not receive that treatment until I am finished with the radiation. I'm not sure how long after, but definitely after. He would have also been the one to do the chemotherapy, if we had decided that I needed it. But since it was only going to decrease my chances of metastasis by about 5% (out of 100%), with my total chances without still only being about 15%. So I decided against it. Among other things that will allow me to keep my hair.
No, I'm not just giving in to my vanity. I just don't think it's enough benefit for the potential side effects.

I just learned that each of the treatments has a particular order in sequence. They only give chemotherapy first, then radiation, and ending with the hormone therapy.
Apparently, receiving the hormone therapy at the same time as the radiation increases scarring.
I didn't know any of that, until after my next to the last appointment.

I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff. There's been so much going on. Not to mention all the large and small frustrations, and dealing with my depression, and continuing after-effects of surgery, and, and, and ... 

Please feel free to ask questions in the comments section. I will answer anything I can.

Tomorrow I go in for something else to do with the radiation treatment. For all I know, I may be actually starting treatment tomorrow.

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